Dayspring Office of Safety and Security

The Safety and Security Team at Dayspring Church dedicate our talents to ensure anyone attending a service is made to feel welcome and safe while visiting our campus.

As a church here is what we believe.

OUR MISSION : Love God / Love People / Love Life

Our mission at Dayspring Church is to join with others as we love God,
love people and love life together.

OUR ACTION: Experience / Equip / Evangelize
We seek to fulfill this mission by offering people as many opportunities as possible to experience God through worship and the Word, to be equipped for ministry through fellowship and discipleship, and to evangelize the world through acts of service and sharing the gospel.

OUR CORE: We have core beliefs that are intended to be a foundation for our ministry. We understand that there will always be doctrines or principles that committed Christians disagree on, but the core beliefs of Christianity are non-negotiable. Below is a list of these core beliefs.


The Old and New Testament are verbally inspired by God, the only written revelation from God to man. The Bible is infallible and the authoritative rule of faith and action for mankind (2 Timothy 3:15-17, 1 Thessalonians 2:13, 2 Peter 1:21)

God is called by many different names because of the different dimensions of his personality, but God is one (Deuteronomy 6:4). God is super-dimensional and eternally self-existent (John 8:54-59). God is omniscient, omnipresent, and
omnipotent. He is the creator of the Heavens and Earth (Genesis 1 + Genesis 2). While God is one, he has revealed himself in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit (Matthew 28:19).

Jesus Christ is the second person of the trinity, the eternal son of God.

The scripture declares his virgin birth (Matthew 1:18-23); His sinless life (Hebrews 7:26, 1 Peter 2:22, 1 John 3:4-5); His miracles (Acts 2:22 + Acts 10:37-38); His substitutionary death on the cross (2 Corinthians 5:21, 1 Peter 2:24, 1 Corinthians 15:4); his bodily resurrection from the dead (Matthew 28:1-6 + 1 Corinthians 15:4); and His exaltation to the right hand of God (Acts 1:9,11, Philippians 2:9-11).


The Holy Spirit is coequal with the Father and the Son of God and is the
third person of the trinity. He is present in the world to make men aware of their need for Jesus Christ. He provides the Christian with power for living, understanding of spiritual truth, and guidance in doing what is right. He gives every believer spiritual gifts when they are saved. As Christians, we seek to live under

His control daily. The nine fruits of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23) are the by-product of a spirit-filled life and evidence of spiritual maturity. The nine gifts of the Spirit are different manifestations of the Spirit to build up the body (1 Corinthians 12:1-11). We are instructed to diligently seek the gifts (1 Corinthians 12:31 + 1 Corinthians 14:1), but they must be exercised in an orderly way (1 Corinthians 14:26-33) in the context of love (1 Corinthians 13:1-13).


Water Baptism - the scripture teaches that all who repent and believe in Christ are to be baptized by immersion (Matthew 28:19). Baptism is a public profession of faith in Christ. It is symbolic of the death, burial, and resurrection of Christ. It is a declaration to the world that we have died to sin and have been raised with Christ to walk in newness of life (Romans 6:4).
Communion - The Lord's table consists of two elements: the bread and the cup. Those elements are symbolic of the body and blood of Christ. Communion is a memorial of Christ's sufferings on the cross and a celebration of our salvation. It is an opportunity for a believer to remember and celebrate the forgiveness of sins and the salvation we have through Jesus Christ.


The only means of salvation is Jesus Christ (Acts 4:12 + John 14:6). He
died on the cross to pay the penalty of our sins (1 Peter 2:24). He offers each of us a pardon for our sins (Hebrews 9:26) and wants us to become children of God (John 1:12). When we put our faith in Christ, it triggers a spiritual chain reaction. We become the temple of the Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 6:19). Our names are written in the Lamb's Book of Life (Revelation 3:5). We come citizens of Heaven (Philippians 3:20-21). We are given eternal life (John 3:16). We are adopted and become children of God (Galatians 4:4-7). Our sins are forgiven and forgotten (Hebrews 8:12). We are credited with the righteousness of Christ (Romans 4:4-5). We are born-again (John 3:3). God takes ownership of us (1 Corinthians 6:20). We receive an eternal inheritance  (Ephesians 1:13-14 + 1 Peter 1:3-5). The evidence of salvation is two-fold. 

The internal evidence is the direct witness of the Holy Spirit (Romans 8:16).

The external evidence is the fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23). We become a new creation (2 Corinthians 5:17) and are transformed into the image of Christ (2 Corinthians 3:18).

The church is the body of Christ (1 Corinthians 12:12-27) and has a three-fold purpose: to evangelize the world (Acts 1:8 + Mark 16:15-16), to worship God (1 Corinthians 12:13), and to equip for ministry (Ephesians 4:11-16 + 1 Corinthians 12:28, 14:12)

There will be a final judgement in which the dead will be resurrected and judged according to their works (Matthew 25:31-46 + Romans 2:1-9). Everyone whose name is not found written in the Book of Life, along with the devil and his angels, will be consigned to everlasting punishment in the lake of fire (Revelation 20:11-15). Those whose names are written in the Book of Life will be resurrected and stand at the judgement seat of Christ to be rewarded for their good deeds (1 Corinthians 4:5).

Purpose: The purpose of this manual is to define a reasonable and measured amount of response to any threat to the safety of those attending events as Dayspring Church.
It is understood that it is impossible to prevent all threats, but it is the purpose of this manual to outline effective responses which could reduce the likelihood and/or prevent severity of any threat. The foremost priority is to protect innocent people from any physical harm from either a perpetrator or the tactical response to the perpetrator.


Safety and Security Team Requirements:
The Safety and Security Team fill many roles in ministering to those in attendance at Dayspring Church. We are here to ensure a secure and safe environment for those attendees to worship. While we are not members of the First Impressions Team (F.I.T.), we should welcome all; look for those in need of support, encouragement or other assistance from the church (or other ministries) and engage them as we see fit.

Qualifications for the Safety and Security Team
a. must be in good standing with Dayspring Church and regularly attending the church for at least one year
b. physically able to assist in controlling a disorderly person
c. complete all training classes and refresher courses
d. understand the legal guidelines in responding to potential threats
e. complete an application and pass a background check
f. *have obtained a Concealed Carry Permit from the state of Ohio for at least one year

Training Requirements
a. complete orientation
b. understand the following policies of this manual
c. *complete firearms qualification and retest annually with the firearm which is carried at     Dayspring

* these items are only required of our team members who wish to carry a concealed firearm as part of this ministry. If you wish to be armed while serving on this team please see the director or chief for qualifications.


Department Positions and Responsibilities:
The schedule will be completed on a quarterly basis. Reminder emails/texts will be sent via Planning Center Online the week of service, please monitor your preferred mode of contact through planning center. Members will be scheduled for one service a month / more if necessary to cover vacations etc. When necessary trade with someone if you cannot fulfill your assigned service, please contact the scheduler if you need assistance in finding someone to replace you.

a. please be at your post 20 minutes before service starts
b. please have your name badge and radio on your person while on duty
c. remain at your post for at least 10 minutes after the close of service or the area is clear

Officer In Charge (O.I.C.)
a. sweep the campus before service looking for anything unusual or out of place.
b. brief team of any persons or activities “out of the norm for given service”
c. escort offering from the sanctuary to the workroom in the office
d. lock down the education wing during service
e. respond to incidents during service


Communication Center (Comm Center)
a. monitor all activity on camera system
b. perform radio checks to all team members
c. notify team of offering in progress
d. announce lockdown / lift of lockdown
e. handle all communications to outside first responder teams (fire, EMS, police)

f. monitor weather conditions and notify OIC if inclement weather is approaching during service


Doors A&G - (atrium/café/foyer/bathrooms/backstage hall)
a. walk through the area and become familiar with surroundings and items setup in the                area
b. monitor atrium area and doors for suspicious persons or activity
c. assist OIC while escorting the offering from sanctuary to office
d. in the case of a missing child, secure entrance doors making sure no child leaves without        identifying them
e. any suspicious activity will be reported to the comm center and monitored until                            determined to be neutral or a threat

Doors I&J - (educational wing / preschool hall / family life center)
a. walk through the area and become familiar with surroundings and items setup in the area
b. monitor area and doors for suspicious persons or activity
c. assist OIC with lockdown / lift lockdown
d. remain in area during lockdown near the preschool restrooms to assist monitoring  activity in that area
e. in the event of a disturbance you will secure the area and monitor for suspicious activity
f. any suspicious activity will be reported to the comm center and monitored until determined to be neutral or a threat


Roamer - (all areas of the property)

a. roam hallways, parking lots etc., looking for suspicious persons, packages, vehicles, etc.

b. check that all doors are locked and no one is lingering / loitering in back halls etc.
c. assist anywhere needed (provide coverage if someone needs to leave their post)


Pastor Coverage Unit #1 (lead pastor)
a. must be armed / have lanyard and radio
b. verify the backstage / office area is secure
c. verify escape route is clear and saferoom (maintenance office) is vacant
d. report to the lead pastor 20 minutes before service starts / remain with pastor until                 released
e. maintain a close distance to the pastor (do not hover, allow for personal conversations)
f. in the event of a disturbance pastor will first address the subject(s). If it escalates and the      pastor requests others to intercede, you will immediately escort the pastor to a safe                place

g. if there is a physical encounter, or display of a weapon immediately escort the pastor to a       safe place


Pastor Coverage Unit #2 (pastor’s wife)
a. must be armed / have lanyard and radio
b. verify with Unit #1 the backstage / office area is secure
c. verify with Unit #1 the escape route is clear and saferoom* is vacant
d. report to the pastor’s wife 20 minutes before service starts / remain with her until                     released
e. maintain a close distance to the pastor’s wife (do not hover, allow for personal                               conversations)
f. in the event of a disturbance in the sanctuary, pastor will first address the subject(s) If it          escalates and the pastor requests others to intercede, you will immediately escort the             pastor’s wife to a safe place

g. if there is an type of physical encounter, or display of a weapon immediately escort the           pastor’s wife to a safe place

* The maintenance office behind the sanctuary is the designated safe place. This door will remain unlocked during service. Enter this room and lock the door. If necessary, use the fire exit in this room to leave the building and premises.
Note: The pastor’s children will remain in their classrooms, other members of the team will secure the classroom areas.


Radio Procedures:
a. radios and earwigs will be worn in a fashion to eliminate the possibility of accidental                 transmission
b. radio transmissions begin with your name/position followed by the name of the                           person/position who is the intended recipient(s). the recipient(s) shall acknowledge the         transmission
c. all transmission will be concluded by an acknowledgement the exchange has ended and             the channel is now clear for use by others
d. in the event of an emergency, radio communication must be kept to a minimum to avoid         confusion

Reviewing recorded video:
a. any request to review recorded video must be done in writing and summited to the                     Buildings and Grounds Manager. An incident report must be filled out detailing the event and reason for the review
b. only authorized persons will review recorded video
i. recorded video will be reviewed by a system administrator or senior officer on duty.
ii. when possible a second administrator /officer will be present when the video is reviewed
c. the reviewing party will report the findings with the time stamp and any camera/location       information on the incident report
d. the completed incident report will be placed on file in the Business Manager’s office. A           copy made available to the requestor if they so choose

Response Procedures
a. Comm Center notifies team offering is in progress
b. OIC/Roamer will escort ushers/money through the atrium/foyer and into the main                   office/counting room.
c. OIC/Roamer will lock the counting room door when they leave
d. comm center will monitor the counting room and area surrounding it until the money             counting is complete.

Disruptive persons:
a. Keeping disruptors out: Churches have the right to ban persons from the campus, an individual does not have a legally protected right to enter and remain on private property. If you know a person is a threat or potentially disruptive, you have the right to keep that person from entering the facility. By stating to the person they are on private property and not welcome, they are trespassing. If that person chooses to attempt to remain, the authorities will be called and they can be arrested. Restraining orders can also be

issued barring persons from the premises.

b. Disruption in progress: Safety team and Ushers should place themselves strategically between the disruptors and others in the congregation. Move to isolate the disruptor from others and prevent them from moving freely within the church. OIC or lead pastor should advise the remaining congregates that the situation is being handled and service will resume momentarily

c. Verbally communicate to disruptors that they are trespassing and they must leave the campus. If they refuse to leave, attempt to keep them isolated from others and contained while waiting for police to arrive (comm center will contact local authorities). Attempt to move other persons not involved away from the area it minimize contact.

Fire emergency:
a. Comm Center will inform team members of a fire and location

b. team members will report to their assigned locations and direct congregation on                         evacuation routes

i. A/G will assist ushers directing people from the danger area to a non-effected location and then assist children's ministries team to keep children safe until they can be reunited with parents
ii. I&J will direct children's ministries to safe location away from effected area
c. Verify no one is remaining in the effected area, close all fire doors and report area is clear to comm center  
d. OIC will coordinate with the lead pastor to assist local fire department personnel
e. Team will assist local authorities as requested

Severe weather / tornado:
a. OIC/lead pastor will determine if action is to be taken
b. Comm Center will inform team members to gather congregation in safe areas (hallways,       bathrooms, rooms without windows)
c. A&G will assist persons from the main sanctuary

d. I&J will assist the children's ministry team with the children in the pre-school hall / FLC /          education wing

e. OIC/lead pastor will determine when to call an ALL CLEAR condition


Bomb threat:
a. Comm center will communicate with the OIC
b. OIC will communicate the situation to the lead pastor
c. Comm Center will contact local authorities and relay their instruction to OIC/Lead                   Pastor
d. OIC and Lead Pastor will work with the authorities to determine course of action
e. Team will assist local authorities as requested


Medical emergency:

a. Comm center will call for a medical team member and provide the location of the                       emergency

b. if medical team member deems it necessary, the comm center will contact 911 and                   provide all necessary information (i.e. which door / location / description of condition /           name of medical team member assisting etc.)
c. OIC will assist the medical team member as necessary
d. PC#1 will communicate the situation to the lead pastor


Amber alert/Missing child:
a. if a team member is notified of a missing child, they will immediately contact the comm           center.
b. comm center will call O.I.C. and insure all other team members lock down the campus
c. The O.I.C. or designated team member will notify the parent/guardian of the missing                  child
d. recorded camera footage will then be reviewed to try to locate the child or determine if         someone was with them

e. if it is determined the child was taken from the building, the comm center will contact             911 and give a thorough description of the child, person who took the child and vehicle           to law enforcement.
f. lead pastor will make any announcements he deems necessary
g. if the child is not found to have left the building, then a search team will perform a                       thorough search of the building until the child is found.
h. if police are called, the OIC will be the liaison between the safety team and the police

Active shooter:
a. Comm center will notify team of location of the incident and contact 911
b. closest team member will respond and engage the shooter if needed
c. other team members will assist if necessary, otherwise they will secure the campus and         assist with keeping others calm


Use of Force:
The Dayspring Office of Safety and Security uses the following Force Continuum (example in fig. 1) when dealing with disturbances or possible threats. Knowing the different levels and when to apply each level is critical to appropriately responding to an incident.
The department is not there to replace law enforcement or act as law enforcement. Our purpose is to give attenders a level of comfort and security while they are with us to worship. And should a situation arise, be prepared to respond to that situation and defuse/control it until law enforcement arrives should they be necessary.


The Force Continuum (Click for table)

Level One - Officer Presence. The mere presence of a police officer in uniform or in a marked police unit is often enough to stop a crime in progress or prevent most situations from escalating. Without saying a word, the mere presence of a police officer can deter crime by the simple use of body language and gestures. At this level, gestures should be non-threatening and professional. This “zero” level of force is always the best way to resolve any situation if possible.

- At Dayspring, the presence of security personal with badges is not there to show a level of threat, just the presence of someone there is a deterrent. We are not there as law enforcement, but the presence of someone with a security badge can relay the concept of “force” to some and be comforting to others. This presence is the first step to maintain a peaceful environment. So, strategically placing personnel throughout the campus provides that visual presence we are looking for. We are there to be helpful, and a subtle
reminder to visitors and regular attenders, that we want their visit to pleasant, safe and without incident. 

Level Two - Verbal Commands. Used in combination with a visible presence, the use of the voice can usually achieve the desired results. Whether you instruct a person to, “Stop.”, “Don’t Move.”, “Be quiet.”, “Listen to me.”, or “Let me see your ID.”, or, — voice commands in conjunction with your mere presence will almost always resolve the situation. The content of the message is as important as your demeanor. It’s always best to start out calm, but firm and non-threatening. Your choice of words and intensity can be increased as necessary, or used in short commands in more serious situations. The right combination of words in combination with officer presence can de-escalate a tense situation and prevent the need for a physical altercation. Training and experience improves the ability of a police officer to communicate effectively with everyone he/she comes in contact with.

- Initiated by OIC or first responder, all other responders will be there for support and crowd control. If the Pastor is in the area, or the disturbance is directed at him, he will be the negotiator. Screaming and shouting are not part of verbal commands. Use an
authoritative, strong voice and speak clearly. No threatening statements. Tactical, conversational questions like; “How can I assist you”? ; “What is your name”? ; “May we can go somewhere private to discuss?” should be used. This is an effective way to defuse/de-escalate the situation before something physical starts. This also removes the person from the open/ common areas and away from crowds.
- Other personnel that respond should attempt to route others away from the conflict and to a safe location. If the person refuses to calm down or converse with you, notify them that they are trespassing and that the authorities have been notified. If at that point they willingly leave the premises, then your main function is to be that of a good witness, taking
note of the physical attributes of the person and the vehicle. You will also be required to fill out an incident report and that information is required on the report.


Level Three - Empty Hand Control. Certain situations will arise where words alone will not reduce the aggression. This is the time police officers will need to get involved physically. This is a level of control employed by police officers minus the aid of equipment or weapons. There are two subcategories called, “soft empty hand techniques” and “hard empty hand techniques.” Soft Empty Hand Techniques: At this level minimal force would
involve the use of bare hands to guide, hold, and restrain — applying pressure points, and take down techniques that have a minimal chance of injury. Hard Empty Hand Techniques: At this level the use of force includes kicks, punches or other striking techniques such as the brachial stun or other strikes to key motor points that have a moderate chance of injury.

- Only persons with proper training should attempt to use this technique (i.e. law enforcement, military training) and with prior authorization by the OIC). If you do not have this training do not engage, unless the person is physically attacking you or a another member of the church.


Level Four - Pepper Spray, Baton, Taser. When the suspect is violent or threatening, more extreme, but non-deadly measures must be used to bring the suspect under control, or affect an arrest. Before moving to this level of force, it is assumed that less physical measures have been tried and deemed inappropriate. Pepper spray results in considerable tearing of the eyes, as well as temporary paralysis of the larynx, which causes subjects to lose their breath. Contact with the face causes a strong burning sensation. Pepper spray, once thought an effective street tool for police officers has lost popularity over the years because of its ineffectiveness, especially on intoxicated persons. The typical baton is a round stick of various lengths, and is made of hardwood, aluminum or plastic composite materials. A blow with a baton can immobilize a combative person, allowing officers to affect an arrest. Common impact weapon used by police today include the PR-24 and
collapsible baton. Of all the options available at this level the Taser, in my opinion, is the most effective. The Taser discharges a high voltage spark (50,000 volts) at very low amperage. The Taser fires two small darts, connected to wires, which drops a suspect at non-contact distance. These devices are easily carried. They are lightweight and affordable. Extensive training is not required, and they may be more effective on persons under the influence of PCP and other drugs who do not respond to chemical irritants.
They can be especially useful for controlling non-criminal violent behavior,  such as persons who are mentally impaired, or under the influence of mind-altering substances.

- Currently we are not using these items. Unless you are qualified and approved by Office of Safety and Security to use this sort of force, it will not be used. Personal pepper spray is prohibited. We are not a police department, we do not aggressively engage with this level of force, the main focus is to de-escalate/defuse a situation and if necessary, contain someone until proper authority arrives. If that someone willingly exits the premises, then our main function is to be a good witness, taking note of physical attributes of the person and vehicle.

Level Five - Less-Lethal. This is a newer, acceptable and effective level of force that numerous police agencies have added to their use of force continuum policy and procedure. Less-lethal weapons were developed to provide law enforcement, military and corrections personnel with an alternative to lethal force. They were designed to temporarily incapacitate, confuse, delay, or restrain an adversary in a variety of situations. They have been used in riots, prison disturbances, and hostage rescues. Less-lethal  weapons are valuable when: Lethal force is not appropriate. Lethal force is justified and available for backup but lesser force may subdue the aggressor. Lethal force is justified but its use could cause collateral effects, such as injury to bystanders or life-threatening damage to property and environment.

Due to legal reasons we are not currently using these devices in the church. 


Level Six - Deadly Force. If a peace officer has probable cause to believe that a suspect poses a significant threat of death or serious bodily injury to the officer or others then the use of deadly force is justified. (see Tennessee v. Garner) By the very nature of the profession, peace officers may at times be confronted with a potentially lethal threat. In most of these instances, peace officers will have no other option but to discharge their firearm in order to protect their life or, the life of others. 

The use of force is an integral part of a law enforcement officer’s job, particularly when arresting criminal suspects. No one disputes that police should be permitted to protect themselves and others from threats to safety, but what is often disputed is an officer’s assessment of a threat and the level of force selected to counter it. As a general principle, the level of force used should be tailored to the nature of the threat that prompted its use.

- This level of force will only be used as a last resort, firearms will only be drawn if an immediate threat of another weapon is presented. We will not use a firearm as a tactic or form of intimidation. All of the requirements defined by Ohio law must be met before a weapon is drawn. When you draw your weapon, verbal commands must be given, if they comply you cannot discharge you weapon. Give commands to drop their weapon and lay on the ground until restraints (flexi-cuffs) are presented by OIC. Secondary responders should not draw their weapons unless multiple threats are present and are presented directly toward them.

Ohio law specifically sets forth that a handgun is a deadly weapon capable of causing death. The license to carry a concealed handgun comes with the responsibility of being familiar with the law regarding use of deadly force.

In Ohio, deadly force can be used only to prevent serious bodily harm or death. Deadly force can never be used to protect property only. Depending on the specific facts and circumstances of the situation, use of deadly force may lead to criminal charges and/or civil liability.


The Ohio Supreme Court has explained that a defendant must prove three conditions to establish that he acted in defense of himself or another.

Condition 1: Defendant is not at fault
First, the defendant must prove that he was not at fault for creating the situation. The defendant cannot be the first aggressor or initiator. If you escalate a confrontation by throwing the first punch, attacking, or drawing your handgun, you are the aggressor.

Condition 2: Reasonable and Honest belief of Danger
Second, the defendant must prove that, at the time, he had a real belief that he was in immediate danger of death or great bodily harm and that his use of deadly force was the only way to escape that danger.  The defendant’s belief that he is in immediate serious danger is important. The defendant’s belief must be reasonable, not purely speculative. 
In deciding if the belief was reasonable and honest, the judge or jury will envision themselves standing in the defendant’s shoes and consider his physical characteristics, emotional state, mental status, and knowledge; the victim’s actions and words; and all other facts regarding the encounter.
Condition 3: Duty to Retreat
A defendant must show that he did not have a duty to retreat or avoid the danger. A person must retreat or avoid danger by leaving or voicing his intention to leave and ending his participation in the confrontation. If the person can escape danger by means such as leaving or using less than deadly force, he must use those means. If you have no means to escape the other person’s attack and you reasonably, honestly believe that you are about to be killed or receive serious bodily harm, you may be able to use deadly force if that is the only way for you to escape that danger.

Authorized to carry:
a. all persons must meet the requirements defined in this manual to carry a firearm while           on the campus of Dayspring Church
b. all persons authorized to carry will be issued a unique name badge and must have that             badge with them while on campus and carrying concealed
c. firearms must be at least 0.35 caliber (.380ACP or larger)
d. firearm must be carried in appropriate holster providing proper retention
e. all ammunition used must be personal defense type (hollow point/frangible)


Certification course of fire:
a. 60 rounds (target ammo acceptable)
b. Firearm intended to be used
c. holster / mag carrier
d. at least two magazines
e. must complete course with at least 80% accuracy (48 rounds)

Course Overview:
a. Warm Up - No points scored - basic two hand slow fire (no time limit)
          i. distance - 10 yards
          ii. at least 10 rounds

b. Round One - 3 yards (12 rounds fired)
          i. draw from concealment, fire 3 rounds, strong hand only (4 seconds)

          ii. scan 360 degrees, re-holster
          iii. repeat

           iv. draw from concealment, fire 3 rounds strong hand only, switch hands, 3 rounds                           weak hand only (10 seconds)
           iv. scan 360 degrees, re-holster

All shooting from here on is with two hands

c. Round Two - 5 yards (12 rounds fired)
          i. draw from concealment, fire 3 rounds (4 seconds)
          ii. scan 360 degrees, re-holster
          iii. repeat 3x

d. Round Three - 7 yards (16 rounds fired)
          i. draw from concealment, fire 4 rounds (5 seconds)
          ii. scan 360 degrees, re-holster
          iii. repeat
          iv. draw from concealment, fire 4 rounds, reload, fire 4 more rounds (12 seconds)
          v. scan 360 degrees, re-holster

e. Round Four - 10 yards (10 rounds fired)
          i. draw from concealment, fire 3 rounds (8 seconds)
          ii. scan 360 degrees, reholster
          iii. repeat
          iv. draw from concealment, fire 4 rounds (10 seconds)

f. Round Five - 15 yards (10 rounds fired around barricade)
          i. move to barricade, draw from concealment, fire 2 rounds (strong side)
          ii. fire 3 rounds kneeling or from weak side (10 seconds)
          iii. scan 360 degrees, re-holster
          iv. repeat